You have the ability to take care of your body and that is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Your body is a beautiful miracle of God and deserves to be cared for. So, LOVE your body and yourself enough to take care of YOU! Eat like you love yourself and exercise like you love yourself. Make your health a top priority because why wouldn’t you want to be the best version of yourself possible?! Eating clean (for the most part) and moving your body will help you feel happier, more confident, think clearer, better show up for life, more energy, better mood, improve sleep, clearer skin, etc.
You’re not going to wake up every morning super pumped to workout and eat clean. Although, I have gotten to a point where I am genuinely excited to workout and eat clean a lot of the time. On average, I do a 20-40 minute FFM workout video about 5 days/week. On the days that I am not motivated, I come back to my why and remind myself why I value taking care of myself. I have learned not to have my main motivation be to “look good”. Yes of course, looking good feels amazing and can be a great/fun motivator, however shifting my why to FEELING good, wanting to better show up for life, practicing self-love/self-care, having more energy, being in a better mood, and ALL THE THINGS has been life-changing and has given me more passion and motivation for healthy living than “looking good” ever could.
Movement is SO GOOD FOR US! Find movement that you actually enjoy and stick with it. You definitely don’t need to go to the gym for an hour 6 days a week to see/feel results. 20-30 minutes of efficient and effective movement a day is just as amazing and goes a long way. I have fallen in love with FFM Mat Pilates workouts and have never felt better.
Veggies, veggies, veggies! Endless benefits. One of the most amazing things we can do for our body! I usually buy 3-4 different types of veggies (majority organic) in the beginning of the week and eat them 2-4 times throughout the day during meals/snacks. Focusing on veggies is so so good for us. And then of course incorporating protein, healthy fat, fiber, and unrefined carbs into your diet. All the goods!
I think we all know the importance of staying hydrated! I can definitely feel a difference in my energy, skin, mood, digestion, etc. when I am lacking hydration. Here are my best tips to drink the recommended amount of 2-3 liters/day: 1. Have a large re-usable water bottle with a straw 2. Start each day off with a full glass of water 3. Add lemon or cucumber to your water if you get bored 4. Bring your water bottle with you everywhere you go 5. Make it a habit! Once you’re in the habit of hydrating and feeling good, you will naturally want to keep doing it.
Finding healthy food and exercise that we enjoy and get excited about is KEY. My goal is to help people find a healthy routine/lifestyle that feels good, is fun, delicious, easy, sustainable, enjoyable, and feels right. I am also all about balance. We have to HAVE FUN and experience pleasures in life. Yes, healthy food and exercise is so good for us. However, if we become obsessed or restrictive, that is not healthy or sustainable. I like to focus on real food but still indulge in my favorites. I’m also often making healthier versions of pizza, pasta, bread, brownies, desserts, etc. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring! It can be delicious and satisfying.